
Economics Students' Association

Logo and event design for the University of Toronto's undergraduate economics student union


The Economics Students' Association hosts a variety of events each year to support undergraduate economics students in their academic success and professional development. Some events are planned as part of an ongoing series while others are more impromptu, depending on certain opportunities and the availability of speakers. Given the speed and quantity of materials needed for marketing, these designs were made to be flexible across different social media platforms and accessible by anyone on the team.

The idea for the logo came from the recurring appearance of circles in the ESA's major events series: Venn diagrams in the mentorship program; cups in "Coffee with Profs"; and speech bubbles in the speaker series. In addition to having special configurations of the logo for certain events, we also created an animated mascot initially intended for Frosh Week marketing materials but later returned for Board Games Night and other social events.

Each event required graphics for the ESA website, Facebook event page, and Instagram. We mainly used vectors so images could be easily resized and positioned text according to mobile safe area guidelines so event details would never be cut off, especially Facebook banners on the mobile app.

Our mascot doing its best to make economics fun.

Our mascot doing its best to make economics fun.